Arun Kumar Thalla



Date of Joining at NITK: 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Professional Experience: 

Total experience: 17 years

Experience at NITK: 10 years

Contact Details

thallpce [at],


+91-824 2473356


+91 94808 55797

Academic Background

Academic Background: 

  • Ph.D. (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee), 2009
  • M.Tech. (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee), 2002
  • B. Tech (Sri Venkateswara University), 2000
Areas of Interest
  • Bio-Energy from Waste
  • Byproduct recovery from Lignocellulosic Biomass
  • Mathematical Modelling of Bioreactors
  • Physio-Chemical Treatments for Liquid waste Management
  • Life Cycle Assesment of Waste Management Systems.
Significant Projects

1. Project Title: Small Scale and Sustainable Household Wastewater Recycling S3HWR, IMPRINT [2017-2022]

Funding Agency: MHRD & MoUD [Collaborators: IISc, IITKgp, BITS, Tata R&D]

2. Project Title: Network on Decentralized Grey/Waste Water Treatment & Recycling (GreyWatNet) - INDO-French Networking Programme in water, 2015

Funding Agency: Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR). [Collaborators: IISc, IITKgp, BITS, Tata R&D + INRA, Ecoles des Mines de Nantes, Company Jean Voisin]

3. Project Title: Performance Evaluation of Pacakage Sewage Treatment plant - Treat Rex., Funded by: REX PolyExtrusions, Sangli. 

Supervision of Ph.D

Ongoing: 6
Completed: 7

Significant Publications


Journals[Ten Significant publications since 2018]:


  1. Teema Thomas and Arun Kumar Thalla (2023) “Synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Myristica fragrans seed shell: Assessment of antibacterial, antioxidant property and photocatalytic degradation of dyes”, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering [Elsevier], Vol. 11(2), 109585.
  2. Adhirashree Vannarath and Arun Kumar Thalla (2022) “Effects of chemical pretreatments on material solubilization of Areca catechu L. husk: Digestion, biodegradability, and kinetic studies for biogas yield.” Journal of Environmental ManagementVol. 316.
  3. Teema Thomas and Arun Kumar Thalla(2022) “Nutmeg seed shell biochar as an effective adsorbent for removal of remazol brilliant blue reactive dye: kinetic, isotherm, and thermodynamic study.” Energy Sources Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental EffectsVol. 44( 1), pp. 893–911
  4. Adhirashree Vannarath and Arun Kumar Thalla (2021) “Synthesis and characterisation of an ultra-light, hydrophobic and flame-retardant robust lignin-carbon foam for oil-water separation.” Journal of Cleanear ProductionVol. 325
  5. SarathChandra Pragada and Arun KumarThalla (2021) “Polymer-based immobilized Fe2O3–TiO2/PVP catalyst preparation method and the degradation of triclosan in treated greywater effluent by solar photocatalysis.” Journal of Environmental ManagementVol. 296
  6. Arun Kumar Thalla and Adhirashree Vannarath (2020) “Occurrence and environmental risks of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in urban wastewater in the southwest monsoon region of India.” Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (Springer), Vol. (192).
  7. Harshit Khandelwal, Arun Kumar Thalla, Sunil Kumar and Rakesh Kumar (2019) “Life cycle assessment of municipal solid waste management options for India.”Bioresource Technology (Elsevier), Vol. 288.
  8. Arun Kumar Thalla, C. P. Devatha, K. Anagh and Elsa Sony (2019) “Performance evaluation of horizontal and vertical flow constructed wetlands as tertiary treatment option for secondary effluents.” Applied Water Science (Springer) , Vol.9, pp 1-9.
  9. Harshit Khandelwal, Hiya Dhar, Arun Kumar Thalla and Sunil Kumar (2018) “Application of Life Cycle Assessment in Municipal Solid Waste Management: A Worldwide Critical Review.” Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier)., Vol. 209, pp. 630-654.
  10. U. Sreekumar, Arun Kumar Thalla and V. V. Nair (2018) "Comparative evaluation of phosphate abatement using laterite soil and activated carbon" International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (Springer),  Vol. 16(8), pp.  4493-4502 

Academic achievements:

  1. Governing Body Member, International Water Association (Indian Chapter), UK
  2. DST Travel Grant to present a Technical paper at Sixth IWA International Specialized Conference on Sustainable Viticulture (WINERY, 2013), Narbonne, FRANCE.
  3. EGIDE fellowship under Indo-French Bilateral Research Programme for 5 Months from (June – December 2007) Chief Minister’s Award for " शैक्षणिकउपलब्धियों(Educational Acheivements)" in Guru Parv 2010 held at Bhilai (CG) on 5th September 2010.
  4. MHRD Fellowship for Pursuing PhD at IIT-Roorkee [2004-2008]
  5. MHRD Fellowship for pursuing M.Tech at IIT-Roorkee [2000-2002]
  6. Secure 96.43 percentile in Graduate Aptitude Testing Examination (GATE) 2000
  7. APSRTC Merit Scholarship for Pursuing B. Tech at Sri Venkateswara Univerisity, Tirupathi. [1996-2000]

Contact us

Prof. Basavaraju Manu,  Professor and Head
Department of Civil Engineering, NITK, Surathkal
P. O. Srinivasnagar, Mangalore - 575 025
Karnataka, India.

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